Saturday, January 31, 2009

More of the same ol' same ol'

Let me just say that I was never meant to be the mother of seven. Not even for a couple of days. I've got Suzi's kids here for a while. Everyone is happy and doing well. Doing well = very noisy. I was very glad to see bedtime come last night. Luckily, we didn't have to threaten beatings to get the boys to settle down. Dotty is very sweet and a complete and total busybody. This morning she took off her blanket sleeper then took off a poopy diaper and ran around like a crazy person upstairs with poop butt until the boys all started shrieking and told me what was going on up there. Nice. She wanted me to carry her down the stairs. No way, Jose. Walk it, sweetheart, cause I'm not going to get your nasty backside all over me. So Dotty got a bath this morning.

Evan and David are out working on an Eagle Scout project for one of the boys in David's troop.

I'm still trying to dream up a way to get a laundromat in my house. It's on my dream house list.

Dream house:

  1. A basement - preferrably a walkout basement
  2. A mudroom with lockers for each kid
  3. A laundromat - at least 2 washers and dryers
  4. A laundry chute to feed dirty clothes into my laundromat
  5. A garage big enough to park a Suburban
  6. Mature Trees
  7. A nice sized yard
  8. A screened in porch
  9. Radiant heated floors in the bathroom
  10. Tankless endless hot water
  11. Whole house vacuum.
  12. a media room in a remote part of the house for Evan's stereo
  13. Real window casings around double hung windows.
I'm sure there's other stuff I'm forgetting.

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