Monday, June 16, 2008

Slave Labor Update

Evan says (behind my back when he thinks I can't hear him) that I've had a personality transplant since my last semester of pharmacy school course work ended last month. I do feel like a tremendous load has been lifted from my shoulders. I started my clerkship rotations on June 2. So 2 weeks of my 40 weeks of slave labor as a doctor-of-pharmacy-wanna-be are completed. 1600 hours of working for free and paying tuition to Creighton for the privilege. Who made up that rule?

I'm working just down the road at a local chain pharmacy. Working with the public is always interesting. Here's what I've learned so far...
  1. If someone comes in with prescriptions for both intestinal worms and pubic lice, use rubber gloves and a long stick to hand back the medication or you'll feel like bugs are crawling all over you for weeks.
  2. If you must smoke while simultaneously using bottled oxygen, please don't use the pharmacy drive through to pick up your asthma inhalers. When you explode into a fiery ball of nicotine stained chunks, I'd rather not be standing 3 feet away with only a plate glass window to protect me. What kind of fool blows oxygen over an open flame? Evidently, lots of them.
  3. Old ladies complain about paying $4 for 30 pills that will probably save their lives. Old men willingly pay $10 a pill for Viagra that will probably kill them, yet they never complain about the cost.
  4. No, I don't want to see your rash and, yes, you probably can spread jock itch to your face.
  5. If you took your Viagra an hour ago but then your wife called and said her appointment at the beauty parlor ran late and she won't be home for a couple more hours, don't call the pharmacy and ask me what to do about it. Really, don't call me.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Welcome to medicine. Everyone will ask you those questions,and invariably they will be questions about a field you know nothing about.