ST LOUIS ZOO --Tuesday, June 14 (raindate Friday, June 17)
Meet at the zoo for the morning. Zoo hours are 8am-5pm. Admission is free. Extra charge for some attractions, but some of them are free for the first hour. Parking is free on the road side, but $12 per car if you park in their lot. Bring a picnic lunch and blanket to eat off grounds in a grassy area. Afternoon is up to you!
Check their website for more info
Stingrays $3 person under 2 free
Children's zoo $4 person, under 2 free
Carousel $3 person
Railroad $5 person
Sealion show $3 person
WILDLIFE PRAIRIE PARK, PEORIA-Wednesday, July 13 (rain date Wednesday, July 20)
Wednesdays are carload days. $18 per carload, up to 8 people. Regular admission is $6.50 for 13 years and older, $4.50 for kids 4-12. Kids under 3 is free. Cheapest admission applies. Park hours are 9am-6:30pm. Bring a picnic lunch to eat on grounds at 12:30. Buffalo and Elk are fed at 1pm. Single and double jogger strollers and wagons available for $5.
SCOVILL ZOO AND CHILDREN'S MUSEUM OF ILLINOIS, DECATUR-Thursday, August 11 (rain date Thursday, August 18)
Thursdays are free at this zoo! Hours are 10-5. Extra charge for carousel ($1.50) and train ride ($2.50). Bring quarters to feed the animals. They have a great play ground at this zoo. Bring picnic lunch. In the afternoon we'll go next door to the children's museum. Admission is $5, under 2 is free.
Tucking in
12 years ago